A-Z of Important Facts
& Information

Absence and Lateness

If a student is absent for any reason, parents must contact the school by 8.50am on the day (ph 83830143 and/or leave a message). You can make a notification via Audiri or email as well. If we do not know why a student is absent, we will attempt to contact parents/caregivers. If a student arrives at school late, they are to report to the office, with a parent, to check in (where the parent signs the student in) and then go straight into class. When a student leaves in school time, a parent needs to sign the child out.


Normally, assemblies are held in weeks 3, 6 & 9 of each term, on Thursdays. They begin at 2.30pm and are held in the activity room. Classes take turns at hosting the event and they showcase the achievements and great work of our kids. We ask that mobile phones are turned off or to silent mode and that younger visitors are supported to respect assembly protocol and that all adults model appropriate assembly expectations. Everyone is Welcome and check Audiri, SeeSaw or the term planner for details.


Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure that their child/children attend school between the ages of 6 – 15 years.

It is important for students to attend school regularly and to be punctual. Our school grounds are supervised between 8.30am and 3.30pm. Students require parental supervision outside these hours. It is expected that students who are not travelling by bus leave the school promptly after dismissal unless with a supervising parent / adult.

Bank Transfer Details

Any money to be paid to school should be placed in a sealed payment envelope and clearly labelled with the student’s name, classroom, what the payment is for and the amount of money enclosed. Payments can be made at the payment window from Monday to Friday from 8.30 – 9.15am and 2.30pm – 3.15pm. All money will be receipted as soon as possible and a receipt along with any change owing will be sent home with the student concerned. Payments can be made by cash, cheque, EFT, EFTPOS and credit card.

Internet Banking is available for payment of School Fees only.

Parents are reminded that our school does not keep change on hand. Wherever possible the correct money would be greatly appreciated.

Behaviour Development & Support

Supporting all students to engage respectfully and appropriately with their learning, peers, and school community is a priority for us at the Flat. We work closely with families and support staff to ensure that each child’s school experience is built on a foundation of respect, safety, inclusion and enjoyment. Please make a time to discuss this further with us if you have any questions or refer to the Department for Education website for more information about behaviour management and student discipline policy.

Bikes & Scooters

A bicycle parking rack is available at school for students to safely park their bikes and scooters. When entering or leaving the school, we expect riders to be safe and walk their bikes and scooters. The wearing of helmets is the best option. We ask that underage school children observe these safety procedures as well.

Books and Stationery

Exercise books and stationery are supplied to students at the beginning of the year, or when they commence. Covers are often provided so check with class teachers for details.

Book Club

Scholastic Book Club offers a convenient way for your child to select and purchase worthwhile and appealing books. The books have been expertly selected to span a wide range of reading levels and interest and are offered at very reasonable prices – lower than you will find elsewhere. The large variety of newly published titles and old favourites represent a thoughtful mix of books from Australian and international publishers.

We offer the Scholastic Book Club about four times a year and the brochure has an order coupon on the back page. Simply select any books your child would like and return the order and money to school by the due date.

Car Parking

Limited car parking is available on the Main Road, so we encourage everyone to park behind the school in the designated areas around the oval and in the recreation grounds.

Please obey all traffic signs and speed limits in this area and be a considerate motorist when you park! Do not park in front of emergency access gates around the oval.

Common Illness and Sickness

When children are unwell, we strongly encourage children to take the time they need to recover and return to school when they are well.

Medical certificates are required in the event of extended illnesses

Dentist – School Dental Service

SA School Dental Service has a new GP Plus Super Clinic at Alexander Kelly Drive, Noarlunga Centre. Ph: 8384 9244. The clinic is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am – 4:30pm. This clinic makes regular checks and provides free dental treatment for primary school children.

Enrolment forms will be sent home or can be obtained from the school office. Parents can elect not to enrol their children in the clinic’s free service. All students are called in for a check at least once per year. Parents usually collect their children from school prior to their appointments [notified by card from the Dental Clinic] and take them to the clinic.

Depending on the nature of any work performed by the dentist, or if the time of day permits, students are expected to return to school to continue lessons.

Early departure / Late arrivals

Children arriving at school after 8.50am when rolls are taken, or before 3.10pm when school is dismissed, must be signed in/out by a designated adult, at the front office.

Emails & Staff Contacts and Communication

Staff will make school email addresses available to families for use for official school business only. Strict protocols govern the use of education department emails and digital information sharing. Please refer to our Home-School Communications Protocols.

Emergency Contacts & Change details

Any change of address details or telephone numbers (including emergency contacts and mobile numbers) should be provided to our office in writing as soon as possible

Enrolment Procedures

Feedback and complaints

First Aid

Following first aid treatment, students will bring home a note to alert parents to the fact that their child has received treatment. In accordance with departmental regulations all students who visit the sick room have their details recorded for our medical records. Please contact the office staff if you require further information about your child’s treatment.


Health Support Plans

Health support planning in education and care promotes attendance and positive engagement in the curriculum regardless of a child or young person’s health status. Please click the link below for more information.


High School Transition

Each year we coordinate transitions for our Year 7 Students to Secondary School and connect closely to Willunga High School. This involves orientation visits and learning experiences for students prior to commencing year 8 and the sharing of key information with local public high schools to support the learning and wellbeing of each student in their transition to secondary school. From 2022, all Year 7 students in SA will be attending secondary schools.


At the beginning of each school year, at Class Parent forums, each teacher will outline the homework expectations for the students in that class. We are in the process of developing a school wide homework philosophy that will be shared across the school in 2024.

Home-School Communication

It is vital that communication between home and school is established and maintained. Different classes will have different methods of communications and these will be outlined at the start of the year. They may vary between school diaries, communication books, emails or class blogs/ Please take the time to check these communication books each night and initial next to the information so that we know you have received it. 

Equally, it is important that teachers are aware of any circumstances outside of our school that may affect a student’s health, well-being or performance at school.  Any concerns or queries you have should be directed to the person who can best help you, in most cases this will be the class teacher.  All staff will only be too happy to assist you. (see also Email and Staff Contacts)

Inclement Weather

When weather is inclement and rainy, students are generally kept indoors for playtimes. However, during rainy weather, we encourage children to wear boots or similar for outdoor playtimes and to bring waterproof jackets etc.

During really hot weather, we will have inside play at breaktimes and all classrooms have air conditioning. Some school and sporting events may be cancelled during excessively hot weather.

Instrumental Music and Strings program

Complimentary to our specialist music lessons, choir, drumming workshops and ensemble, we also offer instrumental music tuition for students through our Department for Education strings program, through which students can apply to access specialist instruction in violin, viola or cello. Contact our music tecaher Indra Benson for more information.

Intervention and Learning Support

McLaren Flat Primary School uses a range of learning and wellbeing intervention strategies to support learners. This includes small group and 1-1 programs that support and scaffold improvements in numeracy and literacy, as well as focussed wellbeing programs such as our garden mentoring and drumming programs. Evidence base intervention practices form the core of our leanring support program, which is supported by DfE specialist educators and where appropriate NDIS supported professionals such as occupational therapists and speech pathologists.


Our library is a great place to visit and parents are welcome to come in before and after school for borrowing. All kids are able to borrow from the library, which is also open for play times.

Lost Property

Lost clothing will be sent to the front office to be kept in the lost clothing box. Feel free to come in and check at any time to see if lost articles are there. Clear labelling of articles will help prevent clothing from becoming lost. These items are displayed in the yard at the end of term and if not claimed go into the second-hand clothing. Lost containers are held outside the classrooms for collection by the students.

Lunches and Brain Food

At McLaren Flat Primary School we understand that nutrition has a vital impact upon student learning.

To maintain mental alertness and cognitive performance the brain requires a steady supply of oxygenated blood, a steady supply of blood sugar (glucose) and plenty of water.

Therefore at around 10.00am each day we encourage all students to take a “brain food” break. Brain foods are those that raise glucose levels in the brain. These include: Apples (small or pieces of), Bananas, Oranges (cut into quarters), Cherries, Boiled eggs, Carrot sticks and Natural popcorn.

Please note that dried fruits are not as effective, as they are high in fructose and cannot break through the blood-brain barrier. Please support your child’s learning by sending them to school every day with suitable “brain food” and water in a re-fillable bottle. We encourage healthy, nutritious lunch and recess foods with minimal packaging. Each classroom has a fridge in which the children can store their lunches.


Newsletters are an important communication link between home and school. They inform parents / caregivers of school events and at times seek information. They are published fortnightly on the Audiri App on Tuesdays, in even weeks of the school term.

If you have any information you would like included in our school newsletter please see staff in the office, with at least 4 days minimum notice.

Parents and Friends – Fundraising Group

A sub-committee of our Governing Council, this awesome group coordinates a fantastic range of fun and community focussed activities that raise funds for special projects around the school. Contact the office if you wish to know more or want to get involved.

Parent Visits & School Tours

School tours and visits by families can be arranged with the principal or deputy by appointment -please contact the office. All visitors to the school must sign in at the front office.

Parent/Teacher Interviews & Reports

Our school provides many opportunities for parents and caregivers to receive information on their child’s progress and program. Early in Term 1 a Parent Forum for each class (evening session) is offered. At the beginning of Term 2 meetings will be held between parents, students and the classroom teacher.

These are booked online. At the end of Term 2 written progress reports for Terms 1 & 2 will be given. these are sent home via email. During Term 3 scheduling times will be organised for any parents who have questions or concerns to come in to the school and meet with their child’s classroom teacher.

A comprehensive written report for Terms 3 & 4 will be sent home via email at the end of Term 4.

Parents and caregivers are reminded that it is not necessary to wait for the scheduled interviews if you have and concerns regarding your child’s progress at school. Please feel welcome to talk with the class teacher and if necessary make a time to see them after school

Pastoral Care Worker

Our school participates in the National School Chaplaincy Program and is supported by a pastoral care worker 2 days per week. This service is available to students, staff and families in need or requiring support.

Kindy Transition and Reception

In term 4 of each year, prior to commencing school, kindergarten children have the opportunity to participate in a transition program to help prepare and orient them, and their families for life at school. The timing of the visits is coordinated with our feeder kindergartens and children generally build up their time at school over the course of the visits. Enrolment packages are distributed at the beginning of the K-R transition process.

Recycling & Waste Management

At the Flat we are conscious of our environmental impacts and engaged in number or waste reduction and recycling initiatives. Deposit containers are collected and returned to raise funds for charity and grounds projects. Worm farms and compost heaps are in action around the school, we recycle whatever we can and we strongly encourage families to pack ‘nude’ food lunched and snacks and minimise packaging waste. We also have green waste bins in every area.

School timetable

Our gates open daily at 8.30am and classes commence at 8.50am. Our break times are 11.50-11.20am (supervised lunch eating is 11.20-1.30pm) and 1.00-1.30pm. We finish at 3.10pm and supervision finishes in the yard at 3.30pm.

Student Leaders

Our Senior year 5 and 6 students have the opportunity to be part of our School Student Leadership team. Students apply to be part of the program and contribute across a variety of leadership portfolios including Community and Reconciliation, Sports and PE, Environment, Student Wellbeing and inclusion, and  Performing Arts. Students are appointed for a 1-2 year term.


It is expected that students wear the school colours – royal blue and yellow. The school maintains a small stock of uniforms for new parents; also an order is done once at the beginning of every term. Orders regarding the above should be directed to school. We encourage clothing that enables children to participate safely and comfortably in a range of indoor, outdoor and active pursuits. Sensible and appropriate shoes are encouraged. As per our Sun Smart Policy, Students are required to wear broad brimmed hats when outside in summer, autumn and spring.


All visitors to the school must be signed in and out at the front office.


Annually, the school year book is published and is a great record of the life of the school throughout the year, making for a great keepsake for children and families. Information about ordering, payment and collection will come through the front office in term 4 each year.