Enrolment INFO


To enquire about enrolment at McLaren Flat, please complete the Expression of Interest Form via the link below and return to the school. McLaren Flat prioritises enrolment of students for whom we are their school of right – as in the nearest public school to their usual home address. Pre enrolment tours and interviews with the Principal or Deputy can be arranged via the front office.

There are two intakes for Reception enrolment. Term 1 intake for kids turning 5 before 1st May and Term 3 intake for kids turning 5 between 1st May-31st Oct. Kids turning 5 after 1st Nov will start Term 1 the following year.

Children at may also be enrolled at other times during the year when transferring from other schools.

Expression of Interest

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Home Address
Gender (Student #1)
Add Student #2
Add Student #3
IS MFPS your current school of right –i.e. we are the nearest school to your home address?
Siblings currently attending McLaren Flat

Following the lodgement of your Expression of Interest, the school will contact you directly to arrange a school tour and pre-enrolment meeting.

NB: Please note that this form helps us to best manage class sizes and future school enrolment numbers at a local site level. It does not provide a guarantee of an enrolment. All enrolments are based on a number of factors, including your school of right, current and projected class sizes and composition and siblings already at the school. As per Local Education Partnership and District protocols, we will contact a student’s current school before progressing enrolments. All personal information is kept confidential.

Transition: Kindergarten to Reception

In term 4 of each year, prior to commencing school, kindergarten children have the opportunity to participate in a transition program to help prepare and orient them, and their families for life at school. The timing of the visits is coordinated with our feeder kindergartens and children generally build up their time at school over the course of the visits. Enrolment packages are distributed at the beginning of the K-R transition process.